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Welcome to my blog


This is my space to document what I've been working on; my thoughts, writings, practise ideas and musings.

Life is fast and it's hard to keep a record of those moments of inspiration. It's tempting to think, I'll remember that, and 'get it down' tomorrow, but 'tomorrow' never comes and the idea is lost. This website, and the blog especially, is a commitment to myself to document and share my ideas.

“Life is fast and it's hard to keep a record of those moments of inspiration.”

I'll be aiming to get my ideas documented as close to when they happen, acting as a collection of idea seeds. Ideas which I, or you, may wish to develop further. I hope you feel inspired to comment, fearless of the risk of expression, and with spontaneity of thought.

Let's see what happens, the future is unknown ...




Jason Huxtable

BMus(Hons), Adv.PG.Dip, HonRBC, FHEA


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